We offer you two secured different payment methods:
1. Credit Card by OnePay Security System
We accept all major credit Cards. After filling in the application for Vietnam Visa, you will be directed to payment system by Verisign and Verified by Visa Inc. Your personal and financial information is safe with us. We are dedicated to keep the information you submit secure and private by using secure servers and encryption. When you book with us, you will be linked from our web pages to customized screens on secure server. Your information is encrypted during its trips across the internet to prohibit viewing by third party
2. Western Union
We can accept payment through any bank worldwide using Western Union service. We will send you name of receiver then you need to provide us the money transfer control number (MTCN) in order to finalize the receipt of payment.
– Why was my payment rejected?
There are many reasons for failed transaction:
- Not register online services at bank for online payment.
- Insufficient fund for payment (daily or monthly) or incorrect card number.
- For Visa, Master Card: During the payment flow, you are asked to enter password of Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure Code program, but you did not complete this authentication step.You should contact Issuer bank (Phone number displayed on the back of card) to help you solve this.
– What is Verified by Visa (VbV) or MasterCard Secure Code (MSC)?
VbV or MSC is a security program which ensures that payments using certain credit and debit cards are authenticated by the card holder with their bank at the time of the transaction. . If your card is enrolled with VbV or MSC, during the payment flow you will be asked to enter a password to verify that the transaction is authorized by the card owner before completion.
The password is issued by your bank to secure transactions via the internet. After submitting your card details at checkout, a new window will appear asking you to enter your password.
If there is any payment error, please email us: support@vietnamvisa.govt.vn or call our hotline: (+84) 832 320 320.